101 Employee Appreciation Ideas To Increase Engagement 2022

101 Employee Appreciation Ideas To Increase Engagement 2022

Today’s employers are struggling harder than ever to show employees appreciation and recognize their valuable contributions. As employees leave en masse during the great resignation, many employers have contacted us. They want to know what they can do to help employees feel appreciated. 

It’s no secret that when employees feel recognized for their efforts they are more engaged. O.C. Tanner found that 37% of employees work harder and are more engaged when they feel recognized for their work. 

And, employees that feel recognized are: 

  • 2.6 times more likely to feel that promotions are fair
  • 2.2 times more likely to say that innovative thinking is embraced
  • 2 times more likely to say that people at work go above and beyond

One of the reasons employee recognition fails is because it’s not specific enough or frequent enough. Another reason is that managers forget to recognize in a way that speaks to specific employees’ appreciation language.

1. Provide Mentoring

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Employee Development, Quality TIme

Mentoring isn’t easy for employers to provide. It takes time away from “production” and often has some additional costs associated with it. But, providing mentoring shows employees you care about their career development and value them as individuals. It increases job satisfaction.

Mentors help increase collaboration and decrease burnout. And, it’s a great way to grow leadership. 

2. Pay for Continuing Ed

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Acts of Service, Employee Development 

When employees feel like their employer is vested in them, they feel valued. Pay for a community ed class or advanced education. Even if the class isn’t related to their job role, you can help your employee develop a skill, hobby, or as an individual.


3. Celebrate Failure as a Sign of Willingness to Go Above and Beyond

Appreciation Language: Word of Affirmation

Employees make mistakes. And they mess up. But, when failure is punished or reprimanded, employers miss a valuable opportunity to foster greater employee engagement and creativity. Fragile workplaces are places where employees don’t feel encouraged to try a new method or take greater ownership of their work processes because things have “always been done this way.” 

Yes, some employees need to be reprimanded for unacceptable behavior. But, recognizing employees who try new methods, even when it fails, engages employees to a greater depth. Only recognizing employees who take a risk when it’s successful sends the wrong message. 

Recognizing employees who have failed colossally speaks volumes of the level at which you value your employees. It makes other recognition more effective because employees know they are worth more than the “What have you done for me lately” mantra. 

4. Make a Donation In Their Name

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Acts of Service

Recognize an employee by donating to a charity they care about in their name. Or, sponsor a fundraiser and match office contributions. 

5. Leadership Training

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service, Employee Development, Quality Time

Leadership training can include anything that helps develop your employees. Training on how to use technology for presentations, speaking training, manager training, or leadership roles can help develop employees. 

6. Noise Reducing Headphones

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Almost 70% of employees are unhappy with the noise levels at work. Noise-reducing headphones make a great gift, especially if they are quality. It tells employees that you care about their comfort at work.


7. Celebrate Holidays

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time

Don’t let holidays pass by without celebrating them with your employees. From company parties to Paid Time Off, celebrating the holidays breaks up the daily grind and provides some low-pressure time for teams to bond. 

It’s also important to celebrate the smaller holidays such as Employee Appreciation Day, Valentine’s Day, and Work Like a Dog Day

8. Potted Plant

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Plants have amazing calming abilities. Give your employees their own potted plant and pay a service to keep them watered so your employees don’t have to worry about keeping it alive. 

9. Personalized Video

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

Record a personalized video that expresses the many ways you appreciate and value your employee. In the Thanks Platform, Memories makes this seamless and easy. Employees can keep the video for repeated viewing. It’s personal and customized to each employee or team. 

10. Car Wash

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Say “thank you” for employees who show up in bad weather by giving them a free car wash. 

11. Share Company Benefits

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Many employers offer benefits and perks to customers. Share those benefits with your employees and let them enjoy the impact your company has on the community themselves. 

12. Desk Light

Appreciation Language: Gifts

According to SHRM, a comfortable light is the second most valuable workplace perk. Give your employees a desk light so they can control the lighting in their area. Lights can help with vision struggles and make it easier for employees to focus. 

Every employee has different needs and giving them control over the lighting makes it easier for them to enjoy work!

A desk light is a simple gift that can impact employee recognition

13. Take Over Their Least Favorite Task 

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service

Give your employees time to do a part of their job that they thrive in by taking over a task they dread. Your willingness to do drudgery work will speak right to the heart of your employee. It tells them that you value their contributions by giving them “time.” 

14. Professional Photo

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Many employees, especially non-managers, never get the chance to have a professional photo taken. Show their importance by paying for a professional photographer to take their photo. Give them the digital copies so they can use them in presentations, email signatures, or anywhere else they’d like to use them. 

15. Write a Letter of Appreciation for Their HR File

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation 

Write a letter of recommendation for your employee and give them a copy and put it in their HR file. Mention several specific ways that employees make an impact at work. This is especially meaningful because it’s rarer for managers to take the time to express employee appreciation in a formal letter. 

16. Handwritten Note

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

A handwritten note is powerful because it is personal and specific.

17. Paid Time Off

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time 

Recognize employees with some extra time off. It’s a great way to give thanks and help ease the daily stresses that employees face in our current environment. Plus, they can take the time to strengthen relationships with family through quality time. 

18. Social Media Praise

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

Give a shoutout on your social media platforms to employees that go above and beyond. And, don’t forget to mention major milestones also. 

19. Bring a Pet to Work Day

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service

Let your employees bring their favorite pet to work. Doing this will require some planning as you’ll need to set expectations and be ready to accommodate pets and possible allergies. And you’ll need to plan around employees that don’t want pets around while they are working. 

But, even sponsoring a couple of hours for your employees to bring their besties and show them off to colleagues can make a profound impact on how much employees feel appreciated.

Bring_a_Pet_to_Work_Day is a great way to recognize employees

20. Recognition Press Release 

Appreciation Language: Words of Confirmation

Recognize an especially outstanding employee or team by issuing a press release that highlights their many accomplishments and the success enjoyed by your team member (or team). This public affirmation can help to bring recognition outside the corporate walls and let your employee’s family know how much you appreciate their contributions. 

21. Celebrate Milestones – (Use Celebrate Feature and Memories)

Appreciation Language:

Don’t let important milestones pass without celebrating them. Anniversaries, completion of major life goals, and certifications are all reasons to celebrate. While you are at it, don’t forget to celebrate retirements and use that time to solidify team spirit. 

21. Team Drinks

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time

Bring a fun drink to the office. A smoothie, cappuccino, exotic drink, or hot chocolate will surprise your employees and give you a chance to express how much you appreciate their hard work. 

22. Replace an Office Appliance

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Acts of Service

Find an appliance, piece of equipment, or activity that consumes employees’ time. Then replace it, or buy a new convenience for everyone to enjoy.

Replace_an_Office_Appliance to show employees you appreciate them

23. Write a LinkedIn Review

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation, Employee Development

Taking the time to write a LinkedIn review tells the whole world how much you appreciate your employee. It’s not something most managers think to do, but it can have a powerful impact on how valuable employees feel. 

24. Control Over Workspace Layout

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service

Most offices are set up by managers or designers. Few employees have a say in where they sit or how the office is set up. Give employees a say in workspace layout by offering various places employees can set up. 

Provide community areas where teams can brainstorm, comfortable areas for a change of position, and quiet rooms where employees can intently focus. Giving your employees a say in their workspace environment empowers them to greater production and recognizes the trust you have in them. 

25. Oil-Changes 

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service, Gifts

Tell your employees “Thank you!” by bringing in oil changes to both save them personal time and give a gift they’ll use. Be sure to give them a heads up and provide a few different options so employees can schedule it when they need the service. 

25. Power Naps 

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service

Most workplaces don’t encourage power napping. Exhausted employees resort to a lunch nap in the car, which isn’t comfortable. Instead, give your employees a comfy sofa and a quiet place where they can take a quick snooze or recharge. 

27. Frame Customer Appreciation Quotes

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation, Gifts

Show an employee the impact they make on customers by taking positive customer feedback about them and framing it. Put it up for all to see and let them know how much you appreciate the difference they make every day to your customers. 

28. Reimburse a Family Dinner 

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time

Publically recognize your employee to their family by reimbursing a family night out. Set a dollar limit so your employee knows what they can plan for. And, don’t forget to allow single employees the same dollar amount, which may let them take dinner with a friend a couple of times. 

29. Closest Parking Spot

Appreciation Language: Gifts 

Say “thank you” by giving an employee the closest parking spot for a week or a month. This will save them time and remind them of the recognition every day when they park.

Clostest_Parking_Spot is a free way to recognize an employee

30. Extended Lunch Hour

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Give your employee an extra hour of lunch on the clock. They can run a longer-personal errand, or rest. Let them know how much you appreciate their hard work. 

31. High Fives

Appreciation Language: Physical Touch

Use fist bumps and high-fives to celebrate small and large accomplishments. Besides a good handshake, it’s the only physical touch appreciation language that’s appropriate in the workplace. 

32. Personalized Poem

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

An Acrostic poem uses the letters of a person’s name to recognize them, While a Hakua is easy to write with 5,7,5 syllables on each line: 


Acrostic Poem


Making us believe he can do anything

Incredible worker

Knows our clients

Encourages us to try harder

Joseph, Service King

Fixes Customer Problems

Promotes Our Values

33. Dinner for Late Workers

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Recognize employees burning the “midnight” oil by bringing dinner for employees staying late. Let them know that they aren’t expected to stay late, but that you wanted to show your appreciation for their dedication to the project by keeping them around tonight. 

34. Floating Trophy

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

Celebrate your team culture by passing around a floating trophy. Some teams celebrate with a big rock, others with a giant trophy or a stuffed animal. Whatever your team uses, recognize a star employee by giving them the trophy to hold with a few words of appreciation.


37 Team Book of Thanks

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation

Gather stories and notes from the teammates of the employee you want to recognize. Put them together into a booklet and present it to your star employee. 

38. One-on-One Meetings

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation

Taking time to meet with, and listen to your employees, you show them that you care about their opinions and needs. One-on-one meetings (link to new article talks about one on one meetings) are very effective ways to demonstrate how much you appreciate and value your employees.

39. Company SWAG

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Giving away corporate paraphernalia is a great way to recognize new team members and celebrate with existing employees. It makes everyone feel like they are part of the team. Just make sure you don’t accidentally leave anyone out, or it will negate the impact of your SWAG.

40. Publish a Company Yearbook 

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation

A company yearbook gives your employees a token of the fun memories they’ve shared at work and provides a natural space for colleagues to recognize each other. Written words of affirmation are easily shared on “yearbook day” as team members relive school days and share laughs with each other. 

41. Spouse’s Lunch

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Gifts

Pay for lunch for your employee and their spouse. Give them extra time off at lunch to meet their spouse and give them a gift card or reimburse the lunch. 

42. Dedicated Recognition Software 

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Commit to ongoing employee recognition by using dedicated recognition software. The Thanks platform provides seamless integrations with dozens of business software programs and makes it easy for employees and managers to recognize each other and build stronger connections at work

Thanks-using employers report greater longevity, greater engagement, and an increase in overall employee satisfaction. 


43. Wall of Fame 

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Publically recognize employees through a wall of fame. Hang plaques, personalized caricatures or something else that reflects your corporate culture.   

44. Celebrate Personal Successes and Milestones

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation

Don’t neglect personal milestones such as a new child, graduation, or buying a new home. Celebrating personal accomplishments with employees shows them you care enough to know what’s going on in their lives and that you are happy for their joys.

Celebrate_Personal_Successes_and_Milestonesto show employees they are valued

45. Go Casual

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation

Express recognition for an especially difficult project by giving your employees a casual day. Let them be more laid back and relax. 

46. Team Service Project

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service, Quality Time

Many of your employees already provide community service for causes they are passionate about. Give your employees a paid day to volunteer together at a local non-profit. Let the team decide where and when. Employees will come back feeling rejuvenated and more bonded with each other. 

47. Feature in the Company NewsPaper

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

Recognize your employees by recognizing them in the company newspaper. They’ll get public recognition. 

48. Flexible Schedules

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service 

Nothing tells employees that you value, respect, and trust them more than allowing them flexible schedules. Even when your business is such that you need to set schedules, allow employees flexibility whenever possible. 

49. Team Bonding Adventures

Appreciation Language: Quality time, Gifts, Employee Development

Send your team on an adventure that will strengthen their bonds and ward off burnout. Team activities increase camaraderie, connection, and reward employees for hard work. 

Some ideas include a team hike, escape room, retreat, rappelling, kayaking, or other adventure.

Team_Bonding_Adventures are a great way to recognize your teams

50. Random Surprises

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Acts of Service 

Make recognition fun by giving your employees surprise treats, time off, or a fun team activity. Some surprises may take a little planning for team members with kids or other obligations so make sure you make surprises flexible so they can take advantage when it’s easiest for them. 

51. Send a Personal Card or ECard

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation 

Send a personalized thank you through a hand-mailed card or an ecard. Let them know how much fun you had getting to know them better, or how you noticed them skipping lunch and although you don’t want them doing that often, you appreciate the extra effort they made to finish the report on time.  

52. Provide More Autonomy

Appreciation Language: Employee Development

Control isn’t an employee’s love language, but it is one of our basic needs. Employees who have control and decision-making abilities over their jobs, feel more connected (building connection in the workplace) to it and demonstrate greater engagement. 

Look around and see if there are areas where you can show trust to your employees by handing over greater autonomy. 

53. Company Party

Appreciation Language; Quality Time, Gifts

Celebrate a successful year or company launch together with a company party. A party lets employees let down their guard and enjoy fun times together. If you are hosting the party after work hours, make sure to invite your employees’ families so they don’t have to choose between family time and company time. 


54. Break Room Remodel

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Break rooms are a place where employees can eat lunch and relax. Take a look at your break room and make sure it’s inviting and comfortable for your employees. Consider taking it to the next level. Perhaps your employees would enjoy a library or a game room. They might love a place to listen to music. 

55. Support Their Physical Well-Being

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service

Support your employees by sponsoring a walking club and encouraging them to take 10 minutes to get outside. Sponsor workout clubs or team basketball teams. Show your employees that you value their health and are willing to support extra activities.

Support_ employees' Physical_Well-Being

56. Celebrate with Remote Employees

Appreciation Language: Quality Time

There are many ways to celebrate remotely. Celebrate together virtually, give remote employees extra leniency on work hours, and host an employee exchange (and pay for shipping). It’s important that remote employees feel like part of the team and that they get to participate in team celebrations and events. 

57. Snack Basket

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Bring in a basket of snacks for your employees to enjoy. Make sure you’ve taken the time to gather treats everyone will enjoy, even those with allergies and health-conscious preferences. 

58. Family Day

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation 

Celebrate everything your employees do by hosting a family day. Invite families to the office for lunch, games, and to see what their family members do all day. Be sure to take a few minutes to recognize your employees to their family members. 

59. Early Bird Rewards

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Acts of Service 

Every office has early birds that come in and get things going. They turn up the cooler or heat, start the coffee pot, and get the lights on. These guys and gals make the day easier for the rest of the office.
Show your appreciation of their consistency by beating them to the office and providing a ready breakfast for them to enjoy.

60. Welcome New Recruits

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Employee Development

Your onboarding experience is critical in reaffirming to new employees that they made the right experience. 20% of new employees leave within 45 days. Demonstrate your excitement for new employees by taking the time to get to know them on day one and making their first day a team event. 

61. Work Anniversaries

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation 

Attrition increases around work anniversaries (Harvard Business School). It’s a time when employees are more likely to reflect on their time with the company and analyze whether they see a future there.
It’s critical that you take the time to celebrate work anniversaries and make them truly meaningful. 

62. Support Mental Health

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time

Support your employees’ mental health by sponsoring a meditation clinic or bringing in a Yoga instructor. Give your employees candles, and essential oils or buy them a yoga mat. 

63. Motivational Speaker 

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Employee Development 

Bring in an entertaining speaker to discuss trends, innovations, creativity, or other topics. Not only does this give your employees a chance to break away from a season of monotony, it provides a growth opportunity also. Use surveys to find out what topics your team members are most interested in. 

64. Event Tickets

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time

In some offices specific positions and management enjoy event tickets. Instead, give our event tickets to employees who don’t usually get to enjoy local events. It’s a great way to elevate their recognition up a step. 

65. Work from Home

Appreciation Language: Quality Time

The ability to work from home is one form of recognition that many employees want post-Covid. It requires trust and provides autonomy to your employee. Working from home eliminates the commute and gives employees back personal time. You could reward it to all your employees or give it out a few days a week.

Work_from_Home is a benifit wanted by many employees

66. Added Responsibility

Appreciation Language: Employee Development 

You may not expect it, but a lot of employees feel under-utilized at work. They feel like they have more talents and skills they can contribute than their employer utilizes. Give your employees opportunities to work on tasks outside their normal job roles. 

67. Family Portrait

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time

Life is busy and many of us fail to take regular family photos. By giving your employees a family portrait, you allow them to capture a moment in time with their family. In a way, you also recognize their families for their support of your employee. 

68. New Chair

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Purchase a new chair, desk or office equipment for your employees that will make them more comfortable at their desk. 

69. Celebrate Diversity

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Gifts

Celebrate your team’s unique backgrounds by celebrating cultural holidays and encouraging employees to share their culture with the rest of the team. Recognize employees who are willing to share by giving them a gift of appreciation. 

70. Provide Growth Opportunities

Appreciation Language: Employee Development

Help employees to grow in their careers. Discuss opportunities for them to develop new skills or learn additional aspects of their field. Growth opportunities aren’t only ways to grow employees. Additional responsibilities, leadership over a project, or the chance to update upper management on the team’s progress also provide opportunities for growth.

In one employer, all employees were invited to help marketing with various projects, which gave employees a chance to learn marketing skills. This provided some of them with additional advancement opportunities that would have been otherwise absent.

Provide_Growth_Opportunities to recognize employees

71. Free Commute

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Give your employees a free commute. Buy their bus pass, gas, or subway expenses. You can set up a reimbursement program for long-term benefits or give it as recognition at specific times. 

72. Personalized Gifts

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Show appreciation for your employees by giving them a gift that’s meant just for them. A personalized gift that’s engraved with their name is anything but generic. A coat, leather book, or watch can further speak to your employees’ interests. 

73. Team Game Night

Appreciation Language: Quality Time 

Game night, or lunch hour, can provide an opportunity for team members to enjoy fun together. Even 4-6 player games will encourage employees to get to know each other on a more personal level. 

74. Give Employees Time to Volunteer

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service, Quality Time

Give employees paid days off to volunteer for their favorite non-profit. Some employers give as much as a month off to eligible employees for service. Others give a day a month off. This is a perfect way to recognize employees for special contributions. 

75. Pamper Yourself Day

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Pamper your workaholics by sending them home to spoil themselves. Give them a gift basket full of chocolates, bath bombs, or a cozy blanket. Or, send them home with a gift card they can use for their own pampering items. 

76. Employee Awards

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time

Celebrate individual accomplishments with employee awards. Or, celebrate employees’ unique talents with funny award names. Celebrate as a team and recognize each employee’s quirky gifts and strengths. 

77. Lunch And Learn

Appreciation Language: Employee Development

Lunch and Learn events provide development opportunities. They should be voluntary and cover a wide variety of topics. Poll employees to find out what kind of lunch and learn they want. You may also find that team-building activities serve your team well as individuals can get to know each other better.

Lunch_and_Learn creates a way for employees to grow

78. Bring in a Food Truck

Appreciation Language: Gifts 

Bring in a food truck or cater lunch to recognize your team’s achievements. 

79. Peer-to-Peer Drawing

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation

Sponsor a drawing with a vacation or big award. Encourage peer-to-peer recognition by making employees eligible when their peers add their names. Peer recognition improves engagement and strengthens performance. 

80. Say it With a Sticky Note

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation 

Tell your employees what you appreciate about them today with a sticky note. If you need ideas, check out our heartfelt note ideas for employees. 

81. Subscription

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Recognize your employees with a gift that continues to give. Give them a subscription to something they’d enjoy such as a gift box, coffee flavors, book of the month, or monthly escape room. A subscription is a great way to remind employees every month that they are a valuable part of your company. 

82. Give Them a Voice

Appreciation Language: Acts of Service

One of the best ways to show appreciation for employees is to value their opinions and allow them a voice in how things are done. Encourage employees to offer feedback and make real changes from that feedback. You might want to encourage employee committees to head up change at the office also.

83. Gym Pass

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Buy a gym pass for employees as a way to recognize their strength in the workplace. It will be more effective if you let employees choose where they want a pass so that it’s convenient for them. 

84. Live Entertainment

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, 

Bring in live entertainment to celebrate employee appreciation day. A magician, local artist, or DJ can bring a flair of fun to the office and give your employees a well-deserved time. 

85. Appreciation Gift Bag

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation

Put together a gift bag to hand out to employees on a hard day or to encourage them. Sometimes a little encouragement can do wonders to lift a feeling of discouragement. 

86. Team Walk

Appreciation Language: Quality Time

Take time to encourage a team walk during good weather days. You’ll have a chance to get to know your employees in a different way than at the office and will encourage good physical health. 

87. Team BBQ

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Quality Time

Give your team the afternoon to enjoy a team BBQ. You can invite family members and bring in entertainment, or keep it to an extended lunch and team games. BBQs can take on a flavor of fun with grilled shrimp, dogs, veggies, carne asada, or chicken wings.

88. Post a Classified Wanted Ad

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

Recognize a team member by posting a “wanted ad” that highlights their accomplishments and talents. In the description, be sure to include the employee’s name. “Wanted: More employees like Brad S. His dedication, constant commitment to excellence, and sense of humor are one of a kind. Thanks Brad for making XYZ Company a better place to work!” 

89. Community Service Event

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Acts of Service

Take your team to a community service afternoon. Clean up a highway, volunteer at an elementary school, or paint a neighborhood. Be sure to pay your employees for their service time.

Community_Service_Event aligns recognition with corporate values

90. Invite Employees to a Customer Event

Appreciation Language: Employee Development

Take a star employee to a customer event and introduce them to important partners and customers. This is a great way for employees to rub elbows with other leaders in the community. 

91. Boss for the Day

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation

Give an employee a chance to be the boss for the day. Let them enjoy manager perks, make decisions, and practice their leadership skills. It’s a great way to develop employees and honor them for leadership abilities. 

92. Role Shadowing

Appreciation Language: Employee Development, Quality Time

Provide opportunities for employees to job shadow positions they are interested in exploring. Not only can this strengthen the connection, but it can also help employees develop a clearer idea of their career goals and pathway. 

93. Random Surprises

Appreciation Language: Gifts, Words of Affirmation

Surprise employees with gifts, food, or gift cards. Arrive early and leave them a treat and a note. Send them home early, or give them a useful gadget. 

94. Regular Reviews

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation, Employee Development, Quality TIme

Annual reviews are far too long between reviews to really help employees. Instead, meet with employees on a regular basis to review their goals, struggles, and tools that will help them succeed. Give quality feedback and recognition regularly so that they can grow and improve better. Nothing is worse than thinking you are on track, only to find out you’ve wasted effort on the wrong activities. 

95. Get-Away

Appreciation Language: Quality Time, Gifts

Give a vacation, stay at a hotel, or free airline tickets. A vacation is a big way to say “thanks!” and reward employees. 

96. Well-Deserved Raise

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Recognize employees’ constant effort by giving them a deserved raise. A raise tells them that you value their contributions and speaks to their value. It’s especially important that employees feel they are paid fairly in today’s competitive workplace. 

97. Bring on the Fun

Appreciation Language: Quality time

Make the workday fun by bringing in games, food, treats, entertainment, or taking time for a round of mini-golf.

Bring_on_the_Fun in recognition events

98. Great Benefits

Appreciation Language: Gifts

If you don’t already offer them, start adding to your employee benefits package. Add parental leave, paid time off, pet leave, or employee discounts. Benefits are one of the biggest ways employers show employees they value them. 

99. Custom T-Shirts

Appreciation Language: Words of Affirmation, Gifts

Buy quality T-Shirts and print recognition designs on them. Hand them out when you see a quality you appreciate from employees. Employees wear their t-shirts and others know they’ve been recognized. Consider a club with set designs. Employees can collect a shirt from each category. 

100. Chocolate Chips

Appreciation Language: Gifts

Hand out chocolate chips to thank employees for “always chipping in ” when they are needed. 

101. Nerf War After Hours

Appreciation Language: Quality Time

Host a nerf war at the office after the doors close. Split into teams and enjoy an hour of fun competition. Have a fun prize for the winning team.

About Thanks

Thanks is a leading provider of a recognition-based platform that increases communication, builds teamwork, and makes recognition a part of company culture. Fast, easy and simple Thanks makes it easy to bring data-driven employee recognition to your entire organization. O.C. Tanner purchased the Thanks platform in 2019 to fulfill the recognition needs of smaller businesses. 

Thanks customers benefit from the same decades of research in employee motivation and company culture that O.C. Tanner enterprise clients enjoy, but in a product that is geared for fast, easy and simple deployment. Whether you’re starting a recognition program or improving and expanding on what you already have, Thanks has everything you need to engage your people with effective, scalable recognition.